Monday, 18 July 2016

My first blog

Hey Peeps on my planet i am Noorin and im super excited to start my blog... I've wanted to do this since quite sometime .... I've wanted a space where i can share my thoughts and views to everyone out there...

My blog is not just going to be all about me but its going to be designed for everyone reading the blog... I will be reviewing a lot of make up and beauty products ... showing you guys my current favs and also telling you what you should not buy :P

Being a child born in the film fraternity I've seen life through a camera lens . I've been lucky enough to enjoy the totally madness of Bollywood as my father is a director/writer since donkeys years. I was delighted to be a part of ABCD India's first  dance movie but I've always wanted to do something of my own ... you know like be my own BOSS !

So get ready to have a lot of fun with me ... trust me its going to be a roller coaster ride ... there is going to be happiness sadness fun fashion food and simple awesomeness ... i am so excited to share my life and minute details with you guys ... Leave in your comments if you are as excited as i am and also if there is anything you want me to write about!

See ya in the next blog!
Noorin Sha

OH ! And Do Check Me Out On YouTube ;P


  1. Babe I am soo happy for you❤
    All the very best for your blog..I will always support you 😊 #noorinators ✨πŸ˜™

  2. Thanks doll ... I love my #noorinators

  3. Hey NoorinπŸ™†.. Finally I can get some more of u😘 All the best sweety. Hats off to you for your time and dedication for all the girls out here.. πŸ’– Keep tuning..😊

  4. Hi very googd article.
    Thank for sharing keep up the good work. Let’s read Noorin Sha Biography
